With injectables, you may notice redness, swelling or bruising to the treated area, this is normal and everyone will experience to some extent. Dermal filler results will be instant, antiwrinkle treatments you should see results within 10-14 days. Skin boosters you may see results after 1 week depending on how many courses you have had. We advise clients to avoid activities which raise the blood pressure for 24-48 hours such as exercise, alcohol, excessive caffiene, hot sauna/sunbeds as this may produce excessive bleeding/bruising. We advise clients to reduce the risk of infection by sanitising hands frequently, avoid touching treated area for 24-48 hours, no make-up/skin care products for 24 hours.
For dermal fillers, the next morning you may notice your treatment area to be more swollen. Please do not be alarmed as this is normal, swelling should go down drastically throughtout the day and continue to settle through out the week.
Symptoms such as redness, swelling and bruising should have subsided. You can book a 2 week review with SKINS by Christina FREE of charge. At your 2 week review, Your practitioner will assess the treated area and a top up may be offered if needed.